by: Endah Pramesti We were created as human beings with thoughts and emotions, so we are sentient beings. Each of us must have felt sad, happy, angry, and so on as a form of emotion that arises. A fun fact is that we will always need a space to vent all the emotions that arise, we usually call it a coping mechanism. Well, everyone's coping mechanism certainly varies, the most extreme is to endanger yourself in order to feel safe. The emotions themselves are either positive or negative, and these are mostly formed by the environment around us, influencing our thoughts. Therefore, it is very important to be able to control them. You really need to know that in this world there are things that we can control, and things that are beyond our control. We just need to accept and be aware of these emotions, because they are there to be felt, and also what we need to stay away from is thinking about what people think about us. If you care about what others think, you will always depend on...
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