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Aspiring Actress - Pevita Pearce

by: Cindy Aurelia

source: Instagram @pevpearce

source: Instagram @pevpearce

Not too long ago, a video of Pevita Pearce showing her muscular arms on camera was circulating online. Many believe this video was directed at people who think that muscular women are not feminine— because muscles are generally labeled “manly.” In the caption, she stated, “For all my friends who like workouts and weight lifts... Girl, You do You and f- what other people say," 

The video has been viewed more than 2 million times on Instagram, and it supports all muscular women who enjoy this type of activity. The responses were mainly positive comments appreciating Pevita who brought up this awareness to the public. This was one of the many heartening acts Pevita Pearce has brought to the internet. Let’s find out more!

Pevita Cleo Eileen Pearce is a multitalented actress, presenter, model, entrepreneur, and book author. Due to her love of art, fashion, and acting, she started her career early in the entertainment industry. 

At 13 years old, she started acting in a TV Show “Mutiara Hati”. She continued her journey and became the best actress at the Film Festival Indonesia 2008. She was well known in plenty of TV ads such as IM3, Ponds, Laurier, and Biore in the 2005-2010 era. She was also captured in multiple music clips of Vivi Aldiano, NOAH, Afgan, and other musicians. 

At the age of 28, she had accomplished 17 films and 2 serial TV Shows with countless nominations. Her newest long-awaited film “Sri Asih” would be released on October 6, 2022. 

Apart from her acting career, she’s very active in the business industry. She started her own business after graduating from senior high school. One of them was a culinary brand, Pevo Cake. She was also the owner of an accessory shop named Hippearce, and the TRE Clothing line. 

Being an all-time inspiration to all, she released a book titled 'Pevita Pearce Our Notebook: Peace in Mind, War at Heart'. She shared her journey of becoming an artist through thick and thin, her personal narratives about love, and other experiences. It was a heartwarming read for us to connect with her life better. 

Her life has never been easy. Catching up with a busy schedule, dealing with society's pressure, and negative comments. Instead of being defensive, she tries to see it from a different perspective. Social media helped her understand other people, including the audience of her work. She said, “If there are constructive comments, I'm happy to listen. But if it's just a nosy comment that intends to bring me down, I prefer not to worry about it." 

Pevita had always known her ambitions, and she chose to inspire Indonesian women to work and achieve their dreams through her activities. 

I keep reminding myself that the decisions I make today will have a big impact on the future. I choose to do positive things.

- Pevita Pearce



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